FL Constitutional Carry
The Florida Constitutional Carry class is a FREE comprehensive training program designed to educate individuals on the responsible use and handling of firearms. The course covers a range of topics related to carrying a firearm in public, including the legal implications and potential dangers involved. The class is intended for those who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights in the state of Florida and want to ensure that they are doing so safely and responsibly.One of the main focuses of the class is on avoiding danger and recognizing pre-threat indicators. Students learn how to assess their surroundings and identify potential threats, as well as how to take proactive measures to avoid dangerous situations. The course also covers de-escalation techniques, which can be used to defuse tense situations and prevent the need for the use of force.In addition to these important topics, the class also covers the legal implications of carrying a firearm in public. Students learn about Florida’s Castle Doctrine, which allows for the use of deadly force in certain situations where an individual’s home is being threatened. The course also covers Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, which allows individuals to use deadly force in self-defense without a duty to retreat.Throughout the course, students learn about the use of force and how to determine when it is appropriate. They also learn about the importance of firearm safety and responsible gun ownership. Overall, the Florida Constitutional Carry class is an essential training program for anyone who wishes to carry a firearm in public. By providing students with the knowledge and skills they need to handle firearms safely and responsibly, the course helps to ensure that Second Amendment rights are exercised in a manner that is respectful of public safety.Course Duration: 1.5hrCourse Ammunition: 0
Class Duration: 1.5 Hours
Course Tuition: This course is FREE and funded by our partners at USCCA and The Andre Foundation