FrogBones Family Shooting Center is a state of the art 18 lane indoor shooting range, retail center, gunsmith, with a full service bar and grill attached next door.

Our Facility

FrogBones Family Shooting Center is a state of the art 18 lane indoor shooting range. We have 12 lanes at a 15 yard distance, ideal for pistols. We also have a 6 lanes at a 25 yard distance, ideal for hunting rifles, shotguns, and tactical firearms such as the AR-15.

FrogBones is dedicated to reducing waste and conserving resources that’s why our range consists of shell casing capturing troughs where we collect and recycle our brass. Even the lead we collect is melted down to be recycled.

What many beginners do not realize when they are starting out is that the bullets they are shooting are made of lead . Each time a gun is shot, many particles of lead are let off into the air. FrogBones state of the art air filtration system forces lead dust away from those shooting, so they are not breathing it in. When shooting at our range, we also provide special soap in our restrooms to wash off any lead dust that may be on your hands. It’s recommended to wash your hands each time you shoot to avoid any risk of ingesting those lead particles.

When exiting our range and store, you may notice a sticky mat on the floor. We change this mat daily because when you walk across it, it pulls any dust off of your shoes so you don’t drag the lead dust into your cars and your homes.

If you have never been shooting before or would like to show your family a safe shooting range, come to our store. We have a designated viewing area behind bulletproof glass where beginners can watch. We call ourselves the Family Shooting Center because we want the whole family to enjoy their experience. Give us a call or stop by, all range lanes are first come first served.

Range Fees

These fees do not include any ammo.


1 Shooter: $19.99 per lane

2-4 Shooters: $24.99 per lane


1 Shooter: $14.99 per lane

2 Shooters: $19.99 per lane


Pistol: $15

Rifle: $25

Pistol w/ Suppressor: $25

Rifle w/ Suppressor: $40

Full Auto: $50

Ear Pro Rental: $5.00

Eye Pro: $2.99 (Not a rental, only for purchase)

Range Policies

  1. Completion of a current Electronic Waiver is Required Prior to Entering the Range Facility.
  2. Accurate and current customer information is required to ensure customer safety and satisfaction. Customers must provide valid photo identification, name, age, date of birth, address, phone number, and email address to use range facilities.Eye and Ear
  3. Protection is required at all times inside the Range Facility and must be donned prior to departing the retail space and entering the Range Outer Staging Area.
  4. Customers are authorized to fire up to .308 ball ammunition. No black powder firearms, no reloaded ammunition, no steel cased or aluminum cased ammunition, no armor piercing, tracer, or explosive bullets are allowed. All ammunition is subject to inspection prior to and during the customer’s range experience.
  5. All firearms must be pointed down range in a safe manner at all times. Firearms are required to be cleared and safe prior to transferring shooters
  6. All fired rounds must impact the bullet trap area. No impact into floor, roof, booth barriers, or side walls.
  7. Drawing from the holster is only allowed for authorized customers and equipment must be verified by Range Safety as authorized. Training is available to verify equipment and competency at any time.
  8. Rapid fire, or rapid successive shots in strings of three (3) or more, must be approved by Range Staff.
  9. No food, drinks (to include water), tobacco or tobacco equivalent products are allowed in the Range Facility at any time. All food or drink brought into the Range Facility will be considered contaminated and disposed of immediately by Range Staff. This is in the interest of public health and safety.
  10. Alcohol or Controlled Substance use prior to entering the range facility is not allowed. All customers are subject to verification prior to entering the Range Facility and inspection at any time.

Range Safety Rules

  1. NO Food, Drinks, or Tobacco are allowed on the Range.
    • Persons who have consumed alcoholic beverages or drugs will not be allowed in the range facility. Alcohol or Controlled Substance use prior to entering the range facility is not allowed. All food or drink brought into the range facility will be considered contaminated and disposed of immediately by Range Staff.
    • Shooter’s glasses or tempered glasses are required to be worn at all times inside the range facility. Authorized eye protection must be donned before departing the retail area and must be worn at all times while inside the staging and firing areas (prescription excepted).
    • Over the ear hearing protection is required at all times inside the range facility. Over the ear hearing protection must be donned prior to departing the retail area and must be worn at all times while inside the staging and firing areas.
  4. NO Firearms Outside the Lane Booth at ANY Time.
    • All firearms must be clear and bagged or in a container before leaving the firing area. Firearms are not allowed to enter or exit the range in an open carry configuration.
  5. ALL UNDER 18 must be Supervised by Legal Guardian at ALL times.
    • Anyone under the age of 18 are required to be supervised by a legal guardian at all times while on the retail and range premises. Children under the age of 10 will not be allowed in the firing area.
  6. ALL Ammunition must be Screened and Approved by Range Staff PRIOR to entering Range.
    • No reloads, no steel, no aluminum, no armor piercing, tracer, or explosive ammunition is allowed. All ammunition is required to be screened and approved by Range Staff prior to entering the range facility.
  7. ALL Firearms must be clear with the action open except while actively firing.
    • Firearms must be cleared and safe prior to being placed on the booth table or to transition between shooters.
  8. NO Person is allowed forward of the firing line. ALL Firearms must be safely pointed downrange at ALL Times.
    • Contact range staff if assistance is needed.
  9. NO more than ONE Person allowed in the firing area at a time.
    • No more than 2 persons are permitted at each firing lane on the rifle range. No more than 4 persons are permitted at each firing lane on the pistol range. Coaching may occur at the permission of Range Staff.
    • Only firearms in good working condition are allowed on the firing line (user is held responsible). Pistols, Rifles, and Shotguns must have functioning sights and are subject to inspection at any time by staff. Failure to display safe handling of firearm will result in removal from the range and an offer to participate in training.

Gun Rental Policies

  • All Range Safety Rules and Range Policies must be applied at all times.
  • Must be at least 21 years of age to rent firearm.
  • Range firearms must be fired with ammunition purchased on premises.
  • Any violation of rules and regulations will void your rental without a refund.

Overseas Visitors

For any non-immigrant aliens (here on a temporary basis for work, education, or tourism) visiting the United States whose country doesn’t participate in the Visa Waiver Program, you will need a hunting license and photo ID to be admitted in to our range. All foreign visitors are encouraged to verify their countries participation in this federal program here HERE to verify your eligibility. If you aren’t from a participating country you will require a temporary hunting license to participate in firearms recreation while visiting our facility.

Click HERE to purchase a temporary Florida hunting license. Complete the process and print out the license and give to our range staff.